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My Legal Rights as a Subpoenaed Witness Mon, 02 Oct 2017 07:40:24 +0000 A subpoena is a writ issued by a court or other governmental agency having the appropriate authority. A subpoena, which means under penalty...

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The conventional wisdom about the UAE is that it was built on oil first and property second. The country’s most populous city Dubai is a living shrine to the role property has played in building society from the ground up; hardly a week goes by when a gleaming new skyscraper isn’t added to the pack, which combined gives Dubai the tittle of the world’s tallest city.

Broker’s activities are regulated by the Real Estate Brokers Register in Dubai under bylaw No. 85, and under this law is a broker’s defined as “any person who undertakes real estate brokerage business in accordance with this bylaw”.But the economic bounty that property has brought to the country has a fraught history, with the rapid pace of development leading to a burst property bubble during the recession years. Big lessons were learned as a result of this and new bylaws introduced. However, laws were already in place governing the responsibility played by the property brokers who act as intermediaries in negotiating property deals.

If, as is happened commonly during the recession, property developers fold, file for bankruptcy or flee the country, the duties of the broker to the buyer will come under close inspection.

The broker, who has provided information on the property and helped match the buyer with the developer, must have acted according to the code of ethics encapsulated under bylaw No. 85.

That means the broker must have acted in a transparent manner in his role as broker, he must have provided all necessary, accurate details about the property to the buyer and have put the buyer no duress or pressure to purchase the property.

This requirement does not relieve the buyer from their duties of due diligence when considering a purchase and some level of sales tactics on the part of the broker will be deemed permissible. Because the terms of a sales and purchase agreement will by-and-large exist only between the purchaser and developer, the buyer should take all precautions in properly investigating both the property developer and the property broker before embarking on a negotiation.

Questions a potential purchaser would be well advised to ask include checking whether the broker is licensed to operate in Dubai; whether the project is licensed with the Dubai Land Department (DLD) and whether an escrow or trust account exists to hold purchaser’s funds in until handover; whether the relationship between the broker and developer is registered with the DLD; and whether the broker is a competent figure and able to answer all questions ask of them.

However, the duties incumbent on the broker include:

  1. Ensuring the good standing and viability of the property developer and that the developer is registered with the DLD.
  2. That a clear and concise contract exists to govern the relationship between developer and broker. It is recommended this agreement also be registered with the DLD.
  3. The broker must ensure all information provided to buyers is accurate and transparent and the broker must in no way mislead any purchaser.
  4. The broker is expected to hold on to copies of any relevant documents or other items relating to a purchase and sale transaction.

If all these duties are adhered to, the broker is unlikely to be held liable for any situation where the developer becomes insolvent or the project fails to materialise. This is enshrined in law by Article 267 of The Commercial Code, which states: “The broker is not required to guarantee the solvency of the two parties to the transaction in which he intermediates. He shall bear no liability of the goods related thereto, unless it is established that he committed an act of fraud or fault and he is held for guarantee under the agreement or the law”.

As alwaysFree Articles, if you are considering acting as any party to such a transaction and would like more clarity related to the laws governing such commercial activities please don’t hesitate to seek legal counsel.

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Arbitration: The Right to Waive Definition Fri, 09 Dec 2016 12:51:23 +0000 The waiver of a right to refer a dispute to arbitration could be express or implied. However such a waiver has to be clear and unambiguous so as to avoid doubts about...

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The waiver of a right to refer a dispute to arbitration could be express or implied. However such a waiver has to be clear and unambiguous so as to avoid doubts about the intent of the party to wave the right.

The claimant in this case was a Real Estate company in Dubai. The claimant filed a case in the court against the Respondent who is also a real estate company to direct the respondent to provide account statements of all collections made from the sale and re-sale process of real estate units. The statements were to also indicate the commissions which were due to the claimant including what amounts had been paid and how much was pending.Facts of the case

Request for Arbitration and CFI Judgment

It was submitted by the claimant that the contract between the parties provided for disputes to be settled through arbitration under the rules of Dubai International Arbitration Center (DIAC). It was further submitted that although the claimant had designated its arbitrator and notified the other party to appoint its arbitrator within the notice period, the other party failed/refused to do so. It was alleged by the claimant that such inaction from the other party shall be considered as a waiver of its right to arbitrate.

The other party, the respondent, attended the first hearing of the case and requested that the case be dismissed citing lack of jurisdiction as the contract contained an arbitration clause requiring the parties to refer all disputes to DIAC.

The Court of First Instance accepted the respondents request and dismissed the case due to lack of jurisdiction.

Appeal and the Claimant’s Allegations

The Court of Appeal agreed with the Court of First Instance and upheld its judgment to dismiss the case due to lack of jurisdiction.

The claimant appealed the judgment at the Court of Cassation. The Claimant argued that it had provided the respondent the opportunity to refer the dispute to arbitration through a notice requesting for the appointment of an arbitrator. However, despite the notice clearly stating that failure or refusal of the respondent to appoint its arbitrator within five days of receiving the notice shall be construed as a waiver of its right to arbitrate, the respondent failed/refused to respond or appoint its arbitrator.

The claimant also submitted that as per Article 2 of the Dubai International Arbitration Center Rules, the court shall not dismiss a case because of lack of jurisdiction unless a request or application was submitted to DIAC requesting for arbitration or conciliation. The Claimant argued that no such request or application was made to DIAC and therefore the lower courts erred in their judgment by dismissing the case due to lack of jurisdiction.

Court of Cassation Judgment

The Court held that the claimant’s argument shall be rejected since Article 203 of the Civil Procedure Law of UAE expressly states that a party to a contract shall not unilaterally resort to the court if the contract contains a mutually agreed valid arbitration clause.

The court observed that although a party shall have the right to waive adherence to arbitration clause such waiver, whether expressly or impliedly conveyed, shall need to be through an act or procedure which clearly reveals the party’s intent to wave the right to arbitrate. Such waiver shouldn’t be ambiguous and should be clearly showing the intention to waive the right.

The Court of Cassation therefore confirmed point of view of the court of Appeal and rejected the appeal.

If the dispute occurred and the litigants did not agree on the arbitrators, or one or more of the agreed upon arbitrators refrained from work, removed it, being removed from it, adjudged as disqualified, or there is obstacle hindering exercising thereof, and there is no agreement between the litigants in this respect; the court concerned originally by consideration of the dispute shall appoint the required arbitrators on the request of a litigant, by the normal procedures of filing the claim.

Consistent with Article 204Feature Articles, the Court also observed that the right of the court to appoint arbitrator is only valid in case arbitration clause doesn’t show the authority or process or mechanism for arbitration. The court further elaborated that even if the clause indicates a provision to define the method of appointment of arbitrators a party to the contract is not entitled to later unilaterally approach the court for the appointment of arbitrators unless mutually agreed.

Since the contract provided that the arbitrators shall be appointed in accordance with the rules DIAC the Court held that Article 27 of DIAC rules shall apply which provides the mechanism for appointment of arbitrators. As per Article 27 of the DIAC rules the executive committee of DIAC has the right to appoint an arbitrator and to appoint the chief of the tribunal in case parties did not.

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Things to Check Before Hiring A Lawyer Fri, 09 Dec 2016 11:13:51 +0000 If you are a victim of an accident, you need to file a lawsuit against the person responsible for your damage attorney helps you file the case and also gives you the best...

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If you are a victim of an accident, you need to file a lawsuit against the person responsible for your damage an attorney helps you file the case and also gives you the best advice in your case. If you live in Monmouth County and charged with a DUI offense, facing a divorce, have been fired from a company without any cause, get a personal injury, or any other offense, you think you are not responsible but you are suffering, the consequences of outcome against you may be disturbing. You just need to take time and find an attorney who helps you to represent your case convincingly and clearly in the court room. Monmouth County attorneys will help you to present your case. You should personally go to the lawyer, and tell him everything what ever happened to you. Most of the attorneys need to have all the information regarding your case, you should tell each and everything to them because it may be very important to the lawyer. If you are threatened with the loss of your driver license or you are fighting criminal charges, and threatened of being fired from your job, then you should go and check for the reputed legal referral service. This is not the time to bargain hunting; you should pay whatever an attorney is demanding.

Hire a lawyer immediately when you have been charged by the police, do not say anything in front of them, it might be harmful for you if you say anything and can be used against you. You could turn out being your own worst witness. If you hire a lawyer early, it could help you and also can affect the case. You could use the quality of defense strategies and you can achieve bail, criminal charges can also be laid, or a release pending the completion of the case against you. Once you set the sail on a particular legal defense, it can be impossible to change. If you held in custody, there will be no way for you to assist your solicitor in collecting the proofs and to prove that you are innocent. In that case it will not take as much time to discover that your attorney is helping you or not and also representing your case well or not. Some of the things you need to consider in your case are:

  • Does this lawyer is experienced in handling this particular of the case?
  • What is his background and experience in this particular area of the case?
  • Does this lawyer have access to legal resources or not?
  • Does this lawyer understands your case properly and have listened all of your information?
  • Is this lawyer is capable of representing your case in the court room and know exactly what you want?

You can check the review of the attorneys on the sites and can decide which lawyer you wanted for your case. You should select the attorney who has won most of the cases in this type of casesArticle Submission, and is capable of handling tough situations easily. Monmouth County lawyers are capable of handling all types of cases.  They will help you in every possible way they can.

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Legal Do’s and Don’ts of Property Purchase Fri, 09 Dec 2016 10:41:49 +0000 The conventional wisdom about the UAE is that it was built on oil first and property second. The country's most populous city Dubai is a living shrine to the role property...

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The conventional wisdom about the UAE is that it was built on oil first and property second. The country’s most populous city Dubai is a living shrine to the role property has played in building society from the ground up; hardly a week goes by when a gleaming new skyscraper isn’t added to the pack, which combined gives Dubai the tittle of the world’s tallest city.

Broker’s activities are regulated by the Real Estate Brokers Register in Dubai under bylaw No. 85, and under this law is a broker’s defined as “any person who undertakes real estate brokerage business in accordance with this bylaw”.But the economic bounty that property has brought to the country has a fraught history, with the rapid pace of development leading to a burst property bubble during the recession years. Big lessons were learned as a result of this and new bylaws introduced. However, laws were already in place governing the responsibility played by the property brokers who act as intermediaries in negotiating property deals.

If, as is happened commonly during the recession, property developers fold, file for bankruptcy or flee the country, the duties of the broker to the buyer will come under close inspection.

The broker, who has provided information on the property and helped match the buyer with the developer, must have acted according to the code of ethics encapsulated under bylaw No. 85.

That means the broker must have acted in a transparent manner in his role as broker, he must have provided all necessary, accurate details about the property to the buyer and have put the buyer no duress or pressure to purchase the property.

This requirement does not relieve the buyer from their duties of due diligence when considering a purchase and some level of sales tactics on the part of the broker will be deemed permissible. Because the terms of a sales and purchase agreement will by-and-large exist only between the purchaser and developer, the buyer should take all precautions in properly investigating both the property developer and the property broker before embarking on a negotiation.

Questions a potential purchaser would be well advised to ask include checking whether the broker is licensed to operate in Dubai; whether the project is licensed with the Dubai Land Department (DLD) and whether an escrow or trust account exists to hold purchaser’s funds in until handover; whether the relationship between the broker and developer is registered with the DLD; and whether the broker is a competent figure and able to answer all questions ask of them.

However, the duties incumbent on the broker include:

  1. Ensuring the good standing and viability of the property developer and that the developer is registered with the DLD.
  2. That a clear and concise contract exists to govern the relationship between developer and broker. It is recommended this agreement also be registered with the DLD.
  3. The broker must ensure all information provided to buyers is accurate and transparent and the broker must in no way mislead any purchaser.
  4. The broker is expected to hold on to copies of any relevant documents or other items relating to a purchase and sale transaction.

If all these duties are adhered to, the broker is unlikely to be held liable for any situation where the developer becomes insolvent or the project fails to materialise. This is enshrined in law by Article 267 of The Commercial Code, which states: “The broker is not required to guarantee the solvency of the two parties to the transaction in which he intermediates. He shall bear no liability of the goods related thereto, unless it is established that he committed an act of fraud or fault and he is held for guarantee under the agreement or the law”.

As alwaysFree Articles, if you are considering acting as any party to such a transaction and would like more clarity related to the laws governing such commercial activities please don’t hesitate to seek legal counsel.

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The Top 5 Defense Tactics for DWI Case Fri, 09 Dec 2016 09:45:28 +0000 A DWI Lawyer Pennsylvania will assess all the facts of your case and then have a lengthy discussion with you about his opinion on your charges. They will inform...

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A DWI Lawyer Pennsylvania will assess all the facts of your case and then have a lengthy discussion with you about his opinion on your charges. They will inform you how it is going to approach your defense.

The first concern of the people who have been charged with a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) is whether they need to hire a DWI Lawyer Pennsylvania or not. The fine charged for the repeat and first time offenders varies and the amount could be in thousands. It is possible that your license may be suspended and may have to spend some time in jail. These two possibilities can result in severe consequences such as you losing your job and eventually your financial stability. If guilt is recognized by your own plea or a jury trial then the penalty you will receive will depend on the particular state law where the incident occurred.

Some of the states necessitate obligatory jail even if it is your first offence. These are the five defenses that your DWI Lawyer Pennsylvania might consider after the evaluation of your case.

Illegitimate Stop

One of the most common used defenses in drunken driving case is that your DWI lawyer can claim illegitimate stop after he has evaluated the circumstance as to why the police officer pulled you over. You might have a valid defense, if the officer had pulled you over for no valid reason. A probable cause might include easy-to-view defect in the car’s safety equipment, traffic violation or some kind of driving movement that can indicated that you were driving while intoxicated.

Field Sobriety Test Error

Your DWI Lawyer Pennsylvania can claim to get your charges dropped if the arrest was based on an unaccepted field sobriety test. The test done may have been inappropriately administered or the result based on which the arrest was made might have been completely inaccurate. For instance, there is a test called HGN or Horizontal Gaze Nystamagus is frequently challenged for its imprecision in detecting the eye movements that is generally associated with an individual under the influence.

Inaccurate Portable Breathalyzer Test

You would have a valid defense if the arrest was made after administrating an imprecise portable breathalyzer test. Your DWI Lawyer Pennsylvania can question the officer whether he was trained for using the portable breathalyzer, if there were any intervening factors like vomiting or if the device had been subjected to routine calibration or maintenance.

Improper Police Actions

This one has variety of options such as whether the officer who arrested you had dishonored any of your civil rights. For instanceBusiness Management Articles, if there is any evidence or testimony that the police officer acted inappropriately or faked the report.

Blood Test Handled Unlawfully

This is another option that can be used if your blood test was not done properly or if the test was tampered with or mishandled right through the chain of custody. The prosecution has to show that proper standards were maintained so that your blood sample can be used as evidence. The state DWI laws are different all across the US but a professional DWI Lawyer Pennsylvania can evaluate all the technicalities regarding your case and help you in achieving favorable results.

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The Jury Duty and How It Is Selected Thu, 10 Nov 2016 16:09:54 +0000 The availability of a trial by jury in American jurisdictions varies. Because the United States legal system separated from that of the English at the time of the American...

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The availability of a trial by jury in American jurisdictions varies. Because the United States legal system separated from that of the English at the time of the American Revolution, the types of proceedings that use juries depends on whether such cases were tried by jury under English common law at that time, rather than the methods used in English or UK courts in the present. For example, at the time English “courts of law” tried cases of torts or private law for monetary damages but “courts of equity” tried civil cases seeking an injunction or another form of non-monetary relief. As a result, this practice continues in American civil laws, even though in modern English law only criminal proceedings and some inquests are likely to be heard by a jury.

The jury are twelve men chosen to decide which of the sides has a better lawyer

The use of jury trials, evolved within common law systems rather than civil law systems, has had a profound impact on the nature of American civil procedure and criminal procedure rules, even in cases where a bench trial is actually contemplated in a particular case. In general, the availability of a jury trial if properly demanded has given rise to a system where fact finding is concentrated in a single trial rather than multiple hearings, and where appellate review of trial court decisions is greatly limited. Jury trials are of far less importance (or of no importance) in countries that do not have a common law system.

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Defense Verdict Obtained in Jury Trial Thu, 10 Nov 2016 15:51:58 +0000 One of the reasons sanctions against improper motion practice have been employed infrequently is the lack of clarity of Rule 7. That rule has stated only generally...

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One of the reasons sanctions against improper motion practice have been employed infrequently is the lack of clarity of Rule 7. That rule has stated only generally that the pleading requirements relating to captions, signing, and other matters of form also apply to motions and other papers. The addition of Rule 7(b)(3) makes explicit the applicability of the signing requirement and the sanctions of Rule 11, which have been amplified.

At any time during the subsistence of the first term of copyright in any published or unpublished work in which the copyright was secured before January 1, 1978, and during the subsistence of any copyright secured on or after that date, the owner of copyright or of any exclusive right in the work may obtain registration of the copyright claim by delivering to the Copyright Office the deposit specified by this section, together with the application and fee specified by sections 409 and 708. Such registration is not a condition of copyright protection.

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Copyright Law and Optional Deposit Thu, 10 Nov 2016 15:18:01 +0000 The Register of Copyrights is authorized to specify by regulation the administrative classes into which works are to be placed for purposes of deposit and registration...

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The Register of Copyrights is authorized to specify by regulation the administrative classes into which works are to be placed for purposes of deposit and registration, and the nature of the copies or phonorecords to be deposited in the various classes specified. The regulations may require or permit, for particular classes, the deposit of identifying material instead of copies or phonorecords, the deposit of only one copy or phonorecord where two would normally be required, or a single registration for a group of related works. This administrative classification of works has no significance with respect to the subject matter of copyright or the exclusive rights provided by this title.

The rule is amended to emphasize that just as the court should construe and administer these rules to secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of every action, so the parties share the responsibility to employ the rules in the same way. Most lawyers and parties cooperate to achieve these ends. But discussions of ways to improve the administration of civil justice regularly include pleas to discourage over-use, misuse, and abuse of procedural tools that increase cost and result in delay. Effective advocacy is consistent with — and indeed depends upon — cooperative and proportional use of procedure.

This amendment does not create a new or independent source of sanctions. Neither does it abridge the scope of any other of these rules.

One of the reasons sanctions against improper motion practice have been employed infrequently is the lack of clarity of Rule 7. That rule has stated only generally that the pleading requirements relating to captions, signing, and other matters of form also apply to motions and other papers. The addition of Rule 7(b)(3) makes explicit the applicability of the signing requirement and the sanctions of Rule 11, which have been amplified.

Copies or phonorecords deposited for the Library of Congress under section 407 may be used to satisfy the deposit provisions of this section, if they are accompanied by the prescribed application and fee, and by any additional identifying material that the Register may, by regulation, require. The Register shall also prescribe regulations establishing requirements under which copies or phonorecords acquired for the Library of Congress under subsection (e) of section 407, otherwise than by deposit, may be used to satisfy the deposit provisions of this section.

The Register may also establish, by regulation, formal procedures for the filing of an application for supplementary registration, to correct an error in a copyright registration or to amplify the information given in a registration. Such application shall be accompanied by the fee provided by section 708, and shall clearly identify the registration to be corrected or amplified. The information contained in a supplementary registration augments but does not supersede that contained in the earlier registration.

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Effective Advocacy and Procedure Consistency Thu, 10 Nov 2016 15:04:54 +0000 The rule is amended to emphasize that just as the court should construe and administer these rules to secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of every...

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The rule is amended to emphasize that just as the court should construe and administer these rules to secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of every action, so the parties share the responsibility to employ the rules in the same way. Most lawyers and parties cooperate to achieve these ends. But discussions of ways to improve the administration of civil justice regularly include pleas to discourage over-use, misuse, and abuse of procedural tools that increase cost and result in delay. Effective advocacy is consistent with — and indeed depends upon — cooperative and proportional use of procedure.

This amendment does not create a new or independent source of sanctions. Neither does it abridge the scope of any other of these rules.

One of the reasons sanctions against improper motion practice have been employed infrequently is the lack of clarity of Rule 7. That rule has stated only generally that the pleading requirements relating to captions, signing, and other matters of form also apply to motions and other papers. The addition of Rule 7(b)(3) makes explicit the applicability of the signing requirement and the sanctions of Rule 11, which have been amplified.

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